Monday, February 11, 2008

Movie reivew: King of Kong: A Fistfull of Quarters

What a great movie. This is a story of Steve Weibe and Billy Mitchell, both masters of classic video arcade game of Donkey Kong. Billy Mitchell has been king of the game and a great many other video games since the early 80s. He's kind of a Video Game Superstar, if there is such a thing. Bill has owned the Donkey Kong World Record since the 80s by achieving a top score of over 800,000 points - at one point thought to be unbeatable.

Steve Weibe has lead a more difficult life having been laid off from Boeing and making the transition to teaching middle school students. Steve wants the set the world record and does, briefly, just before he is disqualified for using a board that may have been tampered with (unbeknownist to Steve).

Upon his disqualification Steve take the show on the road at attempts to break Billy's record on a neutral machine in a neutral location. Steve manages to get to the Donkey Kong "kill screen" (a screen that due to a computer glitch simply kills your character for no good reason). During the game Steve breaks Billy's record and briefly holds the title - until Billy submits a video tape of him playing where he achieves a high score over 1,000,000 points.

Who holds the record? How does it end? Watch and see.

***** out of *****

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