Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I wake today with renewed optimism of the direction and place in the world that American holds. Last night the Country rejected four more years of minority Evangelical misrule in favor a candidate who offers hope and optimism for ALL Americans regardless of color, economic standing or religious belief. For this I am thankful.

This morning I also wonder what does it mean to be conservative? Conservatives can no longer say they are for smaller Government, Bush having presided over the largest expansion of Federal Government in the history of the Country. Conservatives can no longer say they are for reduced Government spending, Bush having run the economic ship aground through reckless misuse of our Country's finances. Lower taxes? Forget that. You can only have low taxes if you keep spending in check. Even Joe Six-Pack feels he in danger of becoming Joe Mad-Dog 20/20 because of unchecked spending and massive deficits leading to the devaluation of the dollar.

No, it seems all the conservatives can say is they are against abortion and homosexuals, ironically the group of people least likely to have an abortion for obvious reasons.

So, conservatives, it's time to try to reinvent yourselves. Try to keep off those feet you shot repeatedly over the last eight years, they will take a while to heal.

1 comment:

Warren said...

Actually, Conservatives will continue to be for small government and reduced spending.

President was never a Conservative, he was a self-claimed "compassionate conservative". Conservatism is compassionate by nature, by adding "compassionate" he tried to woo people who believe that conservatism is harsh, ie by lining himself up with some of the most liberal members of Congress (Ted Kennedy) when getting things like No Child Left Behind passed.

The Republican party left conservatism behind a decade ago, and apparently has barely looked over its shoulder.