Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I've hit the boredom phase for sure

Well I'm all over the "woe is me" crap about my impending divorce. Kelly and I talk frequently and we've resolved all that needs to be resolved, or that can be. Regardless I'm dealing with things and am finding living on my own to be.. boring.

To that point I've decided to become either a Blue Devil or a Spartan (UNC-G), depending on what degree I decide to pursue next. I've got to do the useful needful; obtain transcripts, apply, budget, etc, all the fun stuff that goes with going back to school. That should help eat up some of the sixteen hours a day (M-F) when I'm not supposed to be at my desk working and that's what I really after: something useful that will help burn my mountains of spare time I have on my hands, and maybe some of my vacation.

Speaking of vacation, this Friday I'm taking the third day off from work this year, in fact it was the last day I rolled over from last year thus leaving all my vacation from '09 to use before December 31st. I hate to sound pathetic but I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do and I tend to get a bit jumpy if left to my own vices for too long. Those that have gone through this might know what I'm talking about, or maybe not.

I'm just thankful the whole insomnia thing has passed. That said I don't think I need 11 hours of sleep *every* night but dreaming is one cure for boredom.

And now you all know why I want to get my amateur radio gear working inside my apartment (or at least one reason).


Tanner Lovelace said...

Assuming the weather's ok, how about a bike ride Friday evening (or Thursday evening, since it looks like it might rain on Friday)? Lake Crabtree County Park is very beginner friendly (in fact, I think there's a beginner ride there Thursday at 6pm! - ). Might as well do something with that free time, eh? :-)

Mark Turner said...

Just a few things you can consider for your Copious Free Time:

1. Volunteer. Here are some upcoming HAM public service events that could use your help: Also, there are plenty of community organizations that could use your help and expertise. You may also consider serving on a city board. It's a great way to network!

2. Complete your pilot training. This will also help your travel itch. :)
