Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2008. Meh. Adios. And don't write.

2008 should have been, by all accounts, a really good year. I was informed last week my employment status is retained into 2009. In today's market a job in IT is really little more than a renewable 12 month contract at the company's discretion and I'm ok with that, given the alternative.

So if I've got a job and I'm doing something I've really wanted to do for a long time (go back to school) why am I in the dumps? Quite frankly I can't wait for 2008 to be over, done with and behind me. I've gone through a year or two I'd rather not have before but usually that year contained a rather major setback of some kind.

This year is different. And I want it G-O-N-E. Maybe it is my being primary on-call next week (22 Dec - 28 Dec).

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