Monday, December 15, 2008

Back to school! Again!

In what seems like an effort to attend school in each decade in which I live I will (once again) be heading back to college. This time the school is very likely to be University of North Carolina at Greensboro. I had already attended college in my early 30's and now, with any luck, I'll be back in school for the end of my 30's and beginning of my 40's.

Wish me luck.


Tanner Lovelace said...

Some questions:

1. What will you be studying?
2. Does this mean you got laid off?

Parlez à la Main said...

No, no. I didn't get laid off. I just want to finish up a degree I've been working on for quite some time and the company agree to find said venture.

Tanner Lovelace said...

Oh cool! Good luck!