Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Good times

I've been having a hell of a lot of fun with my new camera and now that I've got my UV filter, tripod and remote I can now try some longer exposure night shots. I live in practically a perfect place for that kind of thing with a man-made river complete with small waterfalls running through the middle of the complex but there is a problem.

Apparently management does not really care for people taking pictures. Really. The security folks (nice people, by the way) stopped me last night and told me I had to have a special contractor's badge if I wanted to take pictures and they are dispensed on a by-project basis and only for short times.

Well I think that stinks to high heavens though I can understand the policy. They don't want someone coming in and doing a MAXIM shoot on the grass in front of the Lucky Strike tower. Ok, I get that. At the same time I think there should be a permission for a wanna-be photographer to snap some pics.

I could, on one hand, get in and ask for permission. But I'd likely be denied by policy. Then I could not longer (lie lie lie) claim ignorance. On the other hand I could just keep taking pictures.. that is until a security guard warns me who has warned me in the past. So I'm not exactly sure what to do.

I'll probably have to venture out beyond the comfort of American Tobacco and go out into Durham proper.

1 comment:

Tanner Lovelace said...

Their photo policy is completely bogus.