Friday, July 10, 2009

I F-ing hate my F-ing PC

My PC (a Dell some-kind-of-horrible-pile-of-crap laptop) is my main interface to work. It is my portal to all things that I need to fulfill my job requirements and it is also the main impediment keeping me from doing so many days!!!! IT'S SO ANNOYING I WANT TO SHOUT!!

Need to undock and go to a conference room? Ok, but you're taking a lot of chances. Want to re-dock? Oh, that's a near guaranteed seizure waiting to happen. The 3.5 gig RAM limit in XP? Oh, heck, nobody needs more than 640k anyway. (and don't mention Vista as a solution here - Vista regularly craps itself with less than 4 gigs of RAM because it's bloated to the point it's little more than a dead animal with built-up gas inside.. go a head and poke around in there.. you'll puke.)

I swear this to be ture before God and all humanity: the day that Microsoft bought the rights to QDOS from Seattle Computer Products and hired Tim Patterson is the day I can clearly define as the beginning of a long and horrible saga of making computers less useful than they could be.

Want to know why computers can't do crap? Microsoft. Don't get me wrong, they make a fine suite of office software, clearly the leader in the field when you really examine applications side-by-side with their competition. But operating systems? They have NEVER made a decent OS. The best chance they had one making a good one was OS/2. Microsoft knew it was superior and it would not allow them to monopolize the PC market so they stopped development and released the absolte crapfest that began with Windows 3.0 and went to ME.

NT? Don't get me started. Ripping the multitasking guts of VAX MVS does not a great operating system make. XP? Crap. Vista? Worse. WHY IN GOD'S HOLY NAME DO WE STILL HAVE A REGISTRY?!?!? WHY?

People. You have options. Better options. OS X and Ubumtu alone make more sense than this. Have 'mission critical applications' that only run on M$? Start searching for a solution now.

Garbage OSes loaded onto cheap-ass computers is not a wonderful solution.



Mark Turner said...

That's all fine and good, Greg, but now tell us how you really feel!

john said...

I honestly tried to use the work-issued XP dell craptop. I installed cygwin, putty, all kinda things that would make me CLI comfy in the windows world.

Didn't work @ all.

I'm now bringing in my macbook and I RDP to my dell for outlook and any sites that need IE.

Unknown said...

Amen, Greg. Putting my Dell laptop to sleep or undocking it is a total nightmare. It's not the laptop's fault either, it's Windows. Microsoft needs to stop trying to be the answer to everything. They have their hands in so many things that they don't do any of those things well.