Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I can't wait to see Marwencol. Ever since watching Ira Glass' portrait of the world of Mark Hogancamp I've wanted to know more about him and see more of his pictures. Looks like I'll be able to do just that, eventually (and I hope soon).

A bit of back story: Mark was jumped outside a bar one night by five men and left for dead. He recovered, albeit with some brain damage that makes him rather timid, yet he often fills with rage when amongst "outsiders". So now he lives in a remote area where he has built the village of Marwincol in near perfect 1/6 human proportions and he photographs his 1/6 soldiers fighting the SS in the Battle of Marwencol. Mark shows up as a character in the village as does his brother and ex-wife along with many others.

If, like me, you want to be notified when this movie will be played send an e-mail to

1 comment:

jeffM said...

Hi there. Thanks for the comments about Mark's artwork and the documentary. I'm making the doc and will let you know when the movie is done. Hopefully end of the year... (ish)...

- jeff