Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun stuff on order

I haven't had much access to "fun money" this year. After purchasing the condo last year we knew that money would be tight until we sold the camper, which finally did sell last week. Hurray! It was a nail-biter right down to the wire complete with the slide-in failing to do its duty and remaining open so the camper couldn't be delivered to the new owner. Turns out the problem was the ground wire to the silde-in motor. Once that was fixed all was well. Goodbye, camper, you were fun but I'm glad you're going to a new owner.

At least we don't have a tax bill looming ahead of us like we did this past year. On this past April the 15th I was left feeling like I was personally funding the Iraq war as I wrote the single largest check EVER. Ouch. But that's behind me now, thank God. Note to self: with taxes, don't assume you know. If you have to assume call an expert who doesn't. 'Nuff said.

Now, on to the fun stuff. Over the last couple of months I have taken my on-call money (extra money I get while being on-call at work) and I have been saving that money for "something". At first it was going to be a new Mac mini but that didn't happen. I should have saved the money for new tires on the Suburban but I didn't do that either (I figure my current tires have about 10,000 miles left on them, and who wants to scrimp and save for tires?). Ok, what did I get? I got this:

This is a GPS with an XM satellite radio built in. What's the big deal you ask? Well, among other things, XM will allow for real-time weather overlays on top of not just maps but satellite photo overlays. *NICE* I can't wait to get my hands on this technical marvel. A full review will be forthcoming. What do I need this device for? Granted I don't go many new places but when I do having a GPS is nice. Having weather data on top is even more nice. Besides someday soon I'll be the proud owner of a couple Jet Skis

Next on the techie soon-to-have is my 2nd Roku player! My first Roku player died under mysterious circumstances and the 2nd will be delivered today. Or maybe tomorrow. Either way I'm excited about having the little unit back in business at the house. I've got a list of on-demand documentaries a mile long to go through and with Kelly out of town Tuesday and Wednesday I'll have a chance to watch a few movies that would normally not interest her in the least.

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