Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Louis Vuitton weathers the storm

Why is it that most riders of Harley Davidsons you see wear wallets attached to their belts? (this is gross generalization, but please work with me) Yesterday I found out when I elected to drive my scooter to the local Chinese resturant for some delicious food. The ride to the store was uneventful. I paid for my food then realized I had not placed the "basket" on the rear "bed" of the scooter, hence no place to place the food. After some ingenious stuffing of the to-go bag I was off. About 1/2 way home I felt something slip and immediatly I knew I had not taken the greatest care in tucking my wallent in my pocket. I pulled off the road and a nice semaratin told me that my wallet had fallen out. I thanked her and made a U-turn.

Contents of my wallet were everywhere. In the street, in the ditches on both sides, you name it, something inside my wallet was in one of these places. The wallet itself had skidded to a stop in the street directly in the slightly depressed "tire ditch" you only notice when riding on two wheels. "KA-FLAP" was the sound my wallet made after being run over by three seperate vehciles. I won't reprint the sound I made after my wallet was driven over.

I collected my credit cards and other stuff and then my wallet which, by this point, had been shot to the side of the road and was sitting in some grass very close to a fine mountain of horse poo. I figured the wallet would have been torn asunder but no! Not only did my wallet weather the storm there is nary a scratch on it - anywhere! Well, that's not really true. There is a scratch in the fold of the wallet on the outside, but it's not noticiable unless you are inspecting it under very good light.

Looking back to the more-than-slightly-buzzed condition when I purchased my wallet during a trip to Belgium I could have not possibly thought the wallet, even as well made as it is, could have taken such a beating. In fact had Kelly and I not been out tasting fine Belgium beers that say and had the rain not started right when we were in front of the store perhaps I'd still have my OP wallet, or whatever it was I used to carry my belongings in.

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