Sunday, August 3, 2008

The movie I'm currently watching

I'm watching the Korean movie The Host and, I have to say, it's pretty darn good! Until I had started the movie (and started to write this post) I had no idea that this is the number one all time blockbuster movie in South Korea. The movie is about a giant creature that lives in the Han River that catches and feeds off humans. The creature appears to live in the water but can also run on land not to mention hang upside down from bridges. As creatures go it's a good one, right up there with the Cloverfield monster. I should note The Host creature is much, much smaller than the Cloverfield monster, but no less frightening, probably moreso because this creature can move quietly and sneak up behind you, something the Cloverfiend monster never could.

I should note the movie is subtited (it is, after all, Korean and made for the Korean market). That said I have really forgotten how to speak and read Korean. So far of all the hangul I've seen on boxes, signs and so-forth I've not managed to read a single word. Worse yet is the only spoken word I've heard that I understad was "yobesayo" which is what the Korean's say when answering a telephone. That's just sad. At one point I had a respectable grasp on the Korean language but that is no longer the case. I suppose this kind of thing is bound to happen having not visited Korea in six years (or spoken the language in that amount of time or longer).

This movie can be viewed via the Roku player.

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