Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chater Sucks Chapter MMXXVII

I'd post a picture of speedtest.net results but the test is unable to complete! This level of disservice to the customer is simply unacceptable. Problem is there is no other option on the island! Embarq DSL is even worse in terms of usability, constant outages and glacial speeds, at best.

Why someone doesn't provide high-speed over WiMax out here is simply beyond me. If I had any idea of what I was doing and had the money to get such a system started I would.

1 comment:

Embarq_lamontl said...

Hello Parlez à la Main,

I am sorry to hear about the troubles you are having with you carrier. If you would like, I can take a look at the area to see what coverage should be there and what speed products we can offer. We continue to look for opportunities to make improvements on our network.

Lamont L.
Embarq Customer Outreach
For additional support please visit www.embarq.com/rescueit or call 1-877-646-3282
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