Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Queue the song Another One Bites the Dust

My beloved Linux server has served me well this past five years but now it is time for an upgrade. The "mighty" Dell was really something back in the day but now it is old and tired, ready to be put to pasture. It will probably find life on the Outer Banks network as a combined shared drive (Samba) and proxy server (Squid) replacing an even less powerful and more ancient Toshiba laptop.

The problem with my server is not processor. Rather it is very limited disk space. But if I am going to upgrade the internal disk (long overdue) I may as well upgrade to a newer box with a better processor and more RAM while I'm at it. The upgraded machine (a Pentium IV with 512 megs of RAM and 80 gig HD) should last a decade at least, barring any mechanical failures.

Before it is replaced I'd like to provide the following specifications of my old server if only to prove that old PCs never really die, they just find a more useful life running Linux long after they can no longer play the Windows game.

vendor_id : GenuineIntel
model name : Pentium III (Coppermine)
cpu MHz : 731.217
bogomips : 1462.71
MemTotal: 384488 kB
(df -h) 8.8G 6.9G 1.5G 83% / (most of that cleared today)

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