Thursday, March 12, 2009

VoIP and IPv6

It is well known that Asterisk does not yet support IPv6 despite being what can only be described as the leading Open Source VoIP solution.

Watch out, Asterisk. There's a newcomer in the 'hood gunning for the top spot. Created by a former Asterisk developer, FreeSWITCH not only supports IPv6 but a lot of other cool features too. What reinvent the wheel? I'll let the lead developer answer that question.

Granted, I've only installed Asterisk and heard the sweet sound of ring tone from a Linux system exactly one time so I'm far from the ideal person to read a web page and provide thoughts on superiority vs inferiority.

That said I'm going to install FreeSWITCH and see just what it can and can't do. The best news? FreeSWITCH is currently being integrated into cousin of m0n0wall pfsense. That could be one heck of an appliance! Imagine - a truely hardened V0IP applicance via point-and-click! I'm sure the VoIP command line Linux purists are throwing objects at their laptops but just for a second consider the ease of deployment (not to mention redeployment in event of catastropic office event: fire, flood, etc).


Tanner Lovelace said...

That looks very interesting. I've been meaning to install asterisk. Maybe I'll look into trying out freeswitch instead.

Michael Collins said...

Nice post. FreeSWITCH has been IPv6 ready for years. It has has WB and UWB codec support for some time as well. It is doing things that other OSS and proprietary telephony vendors consider "difficult," like doing conferences where parties can be any supported codec and any sample rate.

Just a note to those who want to use pfSense. FS uses Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and FreeBSD's threading model does not perform particularly well with APR. If you experience sluggish performance with larger installs then you might try FS on CentOS 5.x to compare performance. The FS community has members with incredibly large systems using CentOS + off-the-shelf hardware. In any case, enjoy FreeSWITCH! It is extremely cool.

Simon Perreault said...

"FreeSWITCH has been IPv6 ready for years."

Michael, did you forget our IPv6 patch that we contributed less than a year ago? FreeSWITCH didn't work over IPv6 before we made it work.

We also ported Asterisk to IPv6. Our work has not yet been merged into their trunk though. More information at

Michael Collins said...


Me culpa! Thanks for the correction. BTW, I really liked your ClueCon presentation last year. It totally helped me grasp the nastiness that NAT brings to the table when doing VoIP. :)

Parlez à la Main said...

Wow, very cool. Actual experts commenting on a post I wrote! :) I've been in Camp Debian for quite some time but I can throw CentOS on an extra machine and give it a go.

Michael Collins said...

FYI, we've had mostly positive reports of Debian, except for people who go all nuts with Ubuntu. A Debian-based setup should be just fine.