Monday, January 19, 2009

Run IPv6 on your OpenWRT router

Better believe I'll be trying this out tomorrow.

I hope I don't screw it up. It's not like I can run out to the Outer Banks and "quickly rebuild" the unit. But I need a second test until that I can ssh to directly, etc. It's not ideal because the device is itself a routeable IPv4 host when I'd prefer to have another IPv6 device behind an IPv4 NAT firewall. But beggars can't choosers so I'll probably SSH to this device first then ssh back the Mac Mini which IS behind a NAT firewall.

Oh, the fun of it all! Instructions for running IPv6 on your OpenWRT router can be found here. If you get this running tonight please share you experiences with the world.

1 comment:

Tanner Lovelace said...

I wonder how well that would work on DD-WRT.