Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hi! I'm your power company, would you like Internet?

No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Why when I call the power company for new service do they feel compelled to send me to a "trusted 3rd party" for (in a super-chipper voice) "Internet, phone and television service at your fingertips".

No, thank you. I can call the Internet service provider of my choice for Internet service and I'll take care of something to display pictures of my TV when I purchase one.

I call the power company to provide electricity to my apartment, not telephone and everything else. Now if you provided some kind of on-call sushi delivery that would be one thing, if I were not already in walking distance of some of the best sushi in Durham (and I even have a pool of restaurants from which to select).

Now I can't wait to call the cable company so I can be offered a jar of fresh lamb's blood, Matzo and a bottle of Manischewitz for my next Passover dinner. News to cable company: nice thought, but I'm not Jewish. Not that there's anything wrong with that.. ;)

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