Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My New Home.

If you know where to look (I think) you can see my new apartment in this vintage picture.

Actually I'm fairly positive. I'll have to download the photo, edit with a red box and re-post tomorrow.

As early as next week this could be home-sweet-new-home for a year. After the divorce is granted (exact date to be known later) I'll consider moving to a new place, and after a year these guys will let me go month-to-month. So around the four month prior mark I'll really start to give some consideration to where I'd like to purchase a house.

I'm going to keep myself busy through a number of legal and technical means. I'm going to go after a couple big-time certifications and see how far I can push that envelope. I've got to shore up the resume and certainly one way of doing that getting a couple recognized and respected certifications.

Just like Burgess Meredith in that famous Twilight Zone episode there is Time Enough At Last. And I don't wear glasses.

I also look forward to meeting many of you again in person. It's been far too long since I've seen more than a few of you. And being as I'll be in stumbling steps to Tyler's Taproom in Durham, the Durham Performing Arts Center and The Durham Bulls Stadium (not to mention 1000 things in the revitalized Durham downtown) perhaps I can persude a few of you into check some of the sights out.

If not I'll drive to Raleigh or Chapel Hill or whatever. Oh, and with luck you'll be seeing me at many more future TriLUG meetings. It's been FAR too long since I've attended one of those.

I don't know if it was agreeing to the wording of the separation agreement or knowing, with a fair degree of certainty what my future address will be, but a weight feels like it's been lifted today.

Yes, plenty of sadness and regret remain but it's time to push on through. Realizing and accepting this train is fully derailed and will remain so will was a big turning corner too.

Thank you all for you kind words, e-mails and support. This is a great little community we have.


(for no reason other than it epitomizes my last couple of weeks.. and I mentioned 'train derailment' once)


Tanner Lovelace said...

I'd definitely love to check out some of the local sights with you! It has been way too long....

Good luck with everything!

Unknown said...

We'll definitely head over to Tyler's soon. I wouldn't mind visiting my old haunt! ;-) Hang in there man, I know it's rough.

Parlez à la Main said...

If anyone is at Tyler's anytime by all means send a txt message or call. I'm kind of hesitant to put my cell # on such a public forum but e-mail me and I'll send it along.