Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A cool new Linux device

Co-worker Heath Roberts alerted me to this new Linux machine that looks something like an Apple Airport Express (that wasn't designed in Cupertino). There is no dedicated audio out but it does have a USB 2.0 connector that could be used to play audio over a set of USB speakers.

If you can stomach the annoying-as-hell "float-over ads" check it out, it's kind of cool.

I have to admit, this could be a very cool use for Linux/Motion and a USB camera. Very cool indeed.

1 comment:

Tanner Lovelace said...

Very cool. Kevin Otte said he's looking at it for a replacement of his Asterisk box and I was looking at it as either a very small gigabit ethernet NAS server and/or a ham radio APRS server.