Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hour #2 with Kelly's iPod Touch

It is possible to lock the screen to keep your data private. The lock is under System Preferences -> General -> Security (I think). You can also dump the history and cookies out of Safari but you have to do this manually. I would greatly prefer a setting that would do the same each time you ht the Home key or each time the unit was powered up after going to sleep. Not having this setting will ensure that once Firefox is ported to the iPod Touch that application will be installed in favor of Safari. Otherwise Safari is a fine browser for this hand-held.

After using the unit for hour #2 I'm further addicted, more so than yesterday. The only problem is I don't think there is anything I can do about being addicted unless... no, even the thought is just too painful. Unless I volunteer to be primary on-call during the next data center shut-down. Doing so would practically ensure I would make enough call-out pay to cover the cost of the device but it would require at least 36 hours straight of listening to people bitch and moan (not to mention running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to restore services to different applications, each determined to be "the most critical business app" by people very high up the food chain).

I'll have to decide how baldly I want this thing.


Tanner Lovelace said...

I'll have to decide how baldly I want this thing.

Oh, you want it. You know you want it.... badly. :-P :-)

Anonymous said...

I just got one (16GB) and I totally addicted to it as well.