Tuesday, March 4, 2008

More thoughts on the V-Strom

Yeah, this is the future bike for me, I think. After going back to look at some of the proposed upgrades I think I might opt for side cases rather than a top case. The top case, especially if the side cases were not installed, looks a bit bulbous to me. Still, it offers a lot of storage for the money.

Ah, who knows. I've got to stick with "The Plan" and I need to keep dropping weight. As I've stated before, the only thing keeping me off this bike is me. I got myself into this situtation and I can get myself out. For the record, the other upgrades consisting of a tall windshield, heated grips and a center stand are all bolt-on accessories I can install myself. These will most likely be the first, second and third accessories installed, but not necessarily in that particular order.

I'm writing all this because I don't want to write about that puppy-throwing Marine. Young man, blatant cruelty to animals and killing of six-to-eight week old puppies are NOT among your General Orders.

1 comment:

viridari said...

I'm going to keep blogging about motorcycles and emailing you regularly and motivating you to stick to the healthy food/portions and exercise until you get that dangblasted bike. :)

On heated grips... I'd suggest considering an alternative: heated gloves. I used to have heated grips on my ATV and they are good for keeping the underside of your hands warm, but not so good at warming up the side that takes the brunt of the wind chill.

If you want to keep the center of gravity low you can stick with side bags on the bike and then you can get bags that hang on the side of the gas tank as well. Even a tank bag on top if you want, which keeps the high-centered weight between the wheels which is where it belongs. That top bag behind the back wheel is not in an ideal location but beggars can't be choosers.

MSRP on that top case is pretty inexpensive though... hmmm.