Sunday, March 9, 2008

spending the bonus money

This week was bonus week at work. Happily we managed to hit our targets so we all got a bit extra in the old paycheck. Coming soon I'll be reviewing Apple's Time Capsule, once it arrives of course. I ordered Kelly a 32 gig iPod touch as well. I really wanted to put a down payment on a V-Strom 1000 but I have yet to hit my goal weight so no motorcycle for me. Yet.

This is a Honda Big Ruckus clone and soon it will be mine. The discontinued Honda Big Ruckus was a 250cc scooter while this is a 150cc. Why on Earth am I getting a scooter? Kelly has one, a 50cc "little" Ruckus, and she gets lonely riding alone. I angled for a used motorcycle between 500cc and 750cc but she wasn't going for that. No way. In order for me to get a motorcycle I have to hit my agreed upon target weight and I'm not there yet. I suppose it's only fair and I have to live up to my end of the bargain, but you know I still tried to get the motorcycle.

Besides, this scooter looks like a hell of a lot of fun. It should be here this week sometime. It's being delivered by truck from Florida and will have to be present to sign for delivery. I'll have to perform some very minor assembly, fill it with oil and gas the I'm off to the races. I'll keep everyone posted.

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