Tuesday, March 11, 2008

vision and loss of the same

Today I had my first full eye exam. Ever. At age 37. I've always been blessed with 20/20 eyesight but lately I've started to question if my eyes were changing (right now my pupils are very dialated and I can't see very well, in fact I can't really read what I"m trying so I'm assuming I'm not making any mistakes). Sometiems I'd find myself leaving int towards my monitor at work, squinting at the small characters.

Turns out I still have 20/20 vision. I'm happy about that. The last time I had that checked was in 2004 when I received my medcial clearance for flight school. But, dman, the stuff they put in your eyes to dialate your pupils? That stuff is brutal! Now, for the first time, I can't really seem that well. It's really frustrating, actually.

But I hear my vision will return to mormal in a couple of hours. I hope so.


Tanner Lovelace said...

I had my eyes dilated a few weeks ago. They told me the drops they put in my eye were the minimal ones (and that they have some other ones that really open up the pupils) and they still bothered me most of the day. Good luck with that!

But, way to go on still having 20/20. I'm pretty much the same after having LASIK 7 years ago.

Unknown said...

"you have hibernation sickness...your eyesight will return in time."

20/20 vision. I hate you. ;-)