Sunday, March 9, 2008

Two things

I just used and found the results for NC Road Runner in the 5m download/512k upload. That matches the speeds I get at the Outer Banks through Comcast.

Now, here's the weird thing. We have a Road Runner connection at work that we use to test external services such as VPN and servers that reside in the DMZ that can't be accessed from the company LAN. Using the work RR connection I get 5m/1m upload. My office is in Durham and my home is in Youngsville. I can't imagine why I'm getting twice the upload speeds in Durham than I am in Youngsville unless the SLA is different (and I'm sure about that... I don't receive the bill so I have no way to check and see what kind of contact we have with Time Warner).

1 comment:

Tanner Lovelace said...

Business vs residential connection?