Sunday, July 27, 2008

I had a great weekend!

We are back from the latest trip to the Outer Banks, and probably the last trip for a month (more on that later). This weekend was unique in that we had our friends Richard and Caroline join us in Rodanthe for Saturday and Sunday (the place was all ours Friday night). Keep in mind that the condo is 890 square feet and 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom - far from a palatial estate where four people could wander and not find each other for hours on end.

In the end it worked out better than I had expected. Kelly and I had the bedroom while Richard and Caroline took what I believe to be the most comfortable fold-out couch in existence (you can't feel the bars under the mattress - really).

I cooked a grand breakfast for everyone this morning, omelets for all along with bacon and sausage. Yum! There were a few problems to deal with on the wireless network next door, but nothing I could not handle (it was just inconvenient to have to deal with that on a Sunday).

I'm rambling on so I'll stop. In closing I hope you had as much fun as I did this weekend (and as much as I hope Kelly, Caroline and Richard had).

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