Saturday, July 5, 2008

The mac is back

Huzzah! The Macbook is fixed and has returned home. Good news, good news. Upon boot up I selected the "Restore from Time Machine" option and off I went - slowly. I have somewhere between five and eight hours of restoration ahead of me.

I should have dragged one of the UPS units from upstairs down and plugged the laptop and Time Capsule into that just to be on the safe side. Thunder is audible outside and my fancy new GPS/XM Weather handheld thingy is showing that I'm in for a serious case of whoop-ass in about 20 minutes. It is my hope that I do no lose power in the middle of the restoration, not even for a second! Wow, that would just suck. I would hope that upon reboot of the Time Capsule the process would simply continue on as if nothing happened. Hopefully we won't have to test that scenario out!!

Ah, just knowing my Mac is back makes me happy. Oh, and I stand corrected from an earlier post - Macbook Airs ARE on display in the Apple Store, just in a different place.

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