Wednesday, July 9, 2008

testing not going so well

I realize I have to study more in order to pass my first Amateur Radio license test, and the on-line tests are giving me a good idea of where I need to concentrate my studies. But that said I'd like to start passing the tests of a regular basis. I'll put the nose to the grindstone and really get moving tonight.

Next up on the dedicate to memory list: Ohm's Law. I shall know this fairly simple law inside and out after tonight.


Tanner Lovelace said...

Just to encourage you, when I was studying for the Amateur Extra exam, the very first practice test I actually passed was at 1am the night before I took the real test. So, don't get too discouraged yet. Sometimes I think they online versions are deliberately harder than the real ones.

And, for Ohm's Law, just learn the pie chart. :-)

Good luck, and feel free to ask questions if you want.

Unknown said...



Mark Turner said...

I didn't know you were studying for your ticket. Awesome! Let me know if I can help in any way (though Matt and Tanner probably have you covered).
