Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What do I do this weekend?

For the first time in a long while I am both a) not on-call for work and b) not going to the beach. Odd sounding, isn't it? Why not go to the beach on a "free" three-day weekend? In short, it will be far too crowded. Too many people end up going down there on Memorial Day, the 4th of July and Labor Day. It's a small island and when it's invaded to that degree with prefer to stay away.
So, what do we do? The garden needs some work. I have to install an new muffler on the riding mower and the yard needs to be mowed. Past that.. I don't know. I'll probably give the Roku player a serious workout. I might even watch some movies that will bore Kelly to tears, that is if she's doing something else and I can play a few things that interest me but have no interest to her. We'll see. (In my defense I don't recall being asked anything along the lines of "do you like documentaries that most people would find less interesting than watching grass grow?" That said, I should have offered that information without being asked but honestly, who could have envisioned back in 1995 that we would have something like a Roku player? Or high-speed Internet to the home?)

So that's it for me. It will be a celebratory weekend of NOT spending $100 at the pump. Sounds good to me.

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