Tuesday, July 15, 2008

KJ4FFC - that's me!

The FCC has seen fit to grant me a amateur radio license. Henceforth I am known on the HAM radio bands as KJ4FFC.

Now the hunt for the radio really gets underway!


Mark Turner said...

Awesome, Greg! Talk to you on the air sometime soon!

I love my Yaesu FT-50R HT. It does 2-meter and 440 (and 5 watts). I also have a 2-meter mobile not currently installed (and might not ever be, considering I should've gotten a dual-band radio for my car). Its 60 watts, though, which was plenty for the couple of bike charity events I've worked.

Mark N4JMT
formerly KC4JCW

P.S. don't forget to sign up for Trilug's linux-ham mailing list!

Tanner Lovelace said...

Woo-hoo! Congratulations!