Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All quiet on the radio front

I was going to listen to the scanner today at my desk but so far I've heard precious little chatter. I'm five floors up in downtown Durham with a window fairly close to my desk. I've had my scanner on 444.9250 but have only heard one conversation all day.

Honestly I thought even my meager scanner would pick up a bit more chatter. Perhaps I'll switch back over to the 2 meter band for lunch, see what can be heard over there. Honestly I'm nervous to talk on the airwaves anyway, just like I was the first time I was flying and plane and had to talk to a tower. I was always worried I'd say something wrong or sound like a total idiot. I still have much to learn about my new hobby.


Tanner Lovelace said...

Everyone feels that way the first time they talk on the radio. My advice is to just go ahead and do it because no matter what you say, it will then be over and you can get on with your radio career. :-)

Good luck!

Tanner Lovelace said...

Oh, and one really easy way to do your first radio contact is to just check into a net. That way you have a predefined set of things you're supposed to say.